Marilyn Roberts
Confidentiality & Duty to Report
All psychologists are bound by a code of ethics and standards of practice in Nova Scotia and have a
governing body called the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology (NSBEP). The information you
share with a psychologist is considered confidential and is not to be shared with others without your
consent, or under certain circumstances, referred to as limits of confidentiality. Under our ethics and
standards, we have legal and ethical obligations to report to the appropriate governing agencies (e.g., the police or department of community services – child protection).
Limits of Confidentiality include:
When a client informs a psychologist that he/she may harm him or herself.
When a client provides a psychologist information which leads them to suspect harm will come to someone else.
When there is a report or suspicion of abuse or neglect of children, the elderly or people with disabilities, or domestic violence.
When psychologists are court ordered (subpoenaed) to release information.
Privacy of Documentation
Marilyn Roberts Psychological Services uses the online software, Jane, for secure storage of
client information. This software meets the same standards as banks in Canada and their data
servers are located in Canada. If you are interested in the security of this software, you can read
further on the link provided to answer any questions or concerns you may have:
Any paper documentation related to clients is stored in accordance with our provincial
guidelines and governing body, Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology (NSBEP).